-Taylor Swift

To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.

To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. 

Hi, I’m Brittney, and I am pretty much the opposite of shy. I’ve been proudly documenting people’s lives for over five years, and I am just getting started. The 9 to 5 lifestyle and fluorescent lights just weren’t for me, so I left the corporate marketing world to pursue my dream fulltime. Years later, and I still feel so incredibly lucky to be able to capture people’s memories for a living.

It’s so nice to meet you. I’m a hugger.

Thanks for stopping by!

documenting authentically. 

It means connecting. It means listening. 
It means encouraging. It means sharing. And above all else, it means 

To me, being a photographer means so much more than wielding an expensive camera on a cool leather strap.

you’ll catch me at the gym. During the night I am slingin’ lenses, but during the day I am throwing weights! I have been a CrossFit coach for the last three years and absolutely love it.

When I'm not hyping my clients up from behind the camera,

I am a big homebody and love hanging out with my husband and baby Gene, binge-watching TV shows and cuddling with my three huskies - Luna, Ollie and Ginny (yep, named after Harry Potter characters!).

Besides being at the gym,

I want you to know you’re safe with me to get vulnerable, let loose, have fun, cry and everything in between. Capturing a love story can be pretty dang emotional, and I’m a Cancer, so I love feelings.

Being in front of a camera can be really intimidating, and it’s my mission to make the experience easy, fun and unforgettable. Not only do I want to capture raw, unfiltered joy - I want to help spark it. Which means, yes, I will be cracking a lot of cheesy jokes in an effort to get you giggling. If all goes according to plan, we will connect over a lot more than your wedding day decor. 

Whether we just met, or you're a long time client,

get in touch

Capturing weddings, families, brands and everything in-between.

documenting & delighting in all your moments.